Warns if APS detects that Primary Autopilot is unhealthy
APS detects Primary Autopilot is unhealthy based on watchdog state or GPIOs
Primary Autopilot becomes healthy again
Warns if APS fails to receive one or more CAN msgs from VCRIGHT on Vehicle Bus
APS fails to receive one or more CAN msgs from VCRIGHT on Vehicle Bus
APS starts receiving all CAN msgs from VCRIGHT
Warns if APS fails to receive one or more CAN msgs from VCFRONT on Party Bus
APS fails to receive one or more CAN msgs from VCFRONT on Party Bus
APS starts receiving all CAN msgs from VCFRONT
APS monitors stack usage and alerts when it exceeds limit
Clears after a sleep cycle / power cycle
Some AP features may not work as expected
APS doesnt receive TAS msgs for more than 10 cycles
APS starts receiving msgs from TAS

file create by H+ 2022 v0325 updater.store