The CP is unable to identify type of inlet harness connected
Charge port (CP) latch is expected to be disengaged but remains engaged. Charge cable may become stuck, or user may be unable to insert charge cable.
The charge port (CP) latch position sensor indicates the latch is still engaged or blocked after the charge port has attempted to disengage the latch.
The charge port (CP) latch disengages.
The charge port (CP) latch may not disengage, charge cable may become stuck, or user may be unable to insert charge cable.
Charge port does not receive all expected CAN messages from the PCS
Charge port receives all expected CAN messages from the PCS
Invalid MAC address written to CP genealogy
MAC address stored in genealogy is invalid
MAC address stored in genealogy is valid

file create by H+ 2022 v0325 updater.store