All messages the local ECU expects to receive from the DI ECU are being received or the DI non-drive mode is CAN inactive.
Drive functionality may be missing.
One or more of the expected CAN messages from VCLEFT were not received.
A message the local ECU expects to receive from the VCLEFT ECU hasn't been received within the expected timeout or the drop rate is too high while the VCLEFT is CAN active. The ECU is considered CAN active when VCFRONT_vehGoToSleep is 0.
All messages the local ECU expects to receive from the VCLEFT ECU are being received or the VCLEFT ECU is CAN inactive.
Vehicle functionality may be missing.
If a task failed to initialize.
One or more of the expected CAN messages from PARK were not received.
file create by H+ 2022 v0325 updater.store