The Continental Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) electronic control unit (ECU) uses an End-of-Line (EOL) routine to check the functionality of the system and the sensors. This is triggered in Service when Toolbox 2.0 is used to program Continental TPMS. During this process, Toolbox sends the sensor IDs to the ECU along with the proper recommended cold pressure (RCP) values so the ECU can calculate the thresholds for the vehicle configuration. When the Toolbox routine is complete, the ECU enters EOL mode and this alert appears.
A test drive is needed in order for the ECU to learn the sensor IDs and compare them to what was entered using Toolbox. The EOL routine will only finish if the sensor IDs entered into Toolbox match the sensor IDs that the ECU reads during the test drive. ?For this reason, it is critical that the tool is reading properly, and possible causes should be explored if the ATEQ tool is not reading properly.
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