The Electronic Stability Program (ESP) pump increases hydraulic pressure if the pad friction is compromised (brake fade, ice buildup, etc.) The Hydraulic Fade Compensation (HFC) is designed to help generate brake force in conditions where the brake effectiveness may be reduced due to abnormal environmental circumstances. Traditionally, this function was used for the case of overheating during steep mountain descents. However, Tesla has refined the concept for use in cold and wet conditions.
Under extreme weather conditions where the brake rotors and pads may be subject to excess water, a water film on the brake surfaces could momentarily decrease the performance of the brakes. Road salts that are used in some winter climates to prevent ice formation can have a mild lubricant effect that may further degrade brake performance. In such conditions, the HFC monitors the brake system pressure and ABS-activity to identify instances of low brake performance. Additionally, brake force can be generated by running the hydraulic pump used for stability control functions.
If the HFC is triggered during heavy braking, the driver may feel a slight drop in brake pedal position, ABS-like pulsation through the brake pedal, and a surge in vehicle braking. This is normal and indicates the HFC-function is activated. The Amber ABS-active light will also flash during HFC operation.
Customer Facing Impact:
- If the brake effectiveness is reduced and the brake pedal is pushed hard enough to trigger HFC, the customer will feel lower braking performance until the HFC system is activated at which point they will feel a significant increase in braking power and reduction in vehicle speed.
- Customers will also feel the brake pedal pulled away from their foot??.
This alert can be expected under certain environmental conditions as described in owners manual under the topic "Hydraulic Fade Compensation."
If these environmental conditions are not met or brake performance does not regain to normal operation, pursue possible causes to investigate further.
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