The UBB voltage is in undervoltage level2 failure range. System shall be in 'ReducedPerformance' state.
Read failed failure for parameter MasterCylinderLength
The measured average coil resistivity is below the min threshold.
UB6 to UBB plausi voltage divider drift failure (large deviation in the UB6 to UBB ratio)
Version of RPS calibration data in NvM inconsistent with version in SW. ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
Phase Current 1 out of range high. ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
Failure word in case of actual EEPROM size detection failed or EEPROM size mismatch wrt to configured size and actual size mounted on layout. ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
There is a permanent deviation between the target speed and the actual motor speed
EPBR_systemStatus message not received or corrupt

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