Scl: ESPiB2_qTargetExternal Invalid Value
U5V voltage comparator test failed. ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
Failure word in case of Write service to EEPROM could not complete in predefined time. ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
Runtime overload: x1 task jitter of the IO sensitive part is to high. ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
High ohmic UB6 path detected (Large deviation between UB6 & UBB during motor actuation)
SPI transfer to System ASIC failed (error frame wrong address. timeout CSIH error). ECU internal fault, check wiring to the unit and/or re-flash. If problem continures after several power cycles, reolace unit.
file create by H+ 2022 v0325 updater.store